I’m Lynn Woolley with your Logic Minute for 3/21/13

“So when did it become okay to teach our children that the United
States is to blame for the September 11 terrorist attacks?” That
question is posed in a FACEBOOK post from a woman named Kara – who
also posted a scan of a test labeled “SAFARI Montage.” According the
post, the test was given to fifth graders after they had watched a
video entitled “Remembering September 11th.” The video apparently
places blame on the United States – then tests the kids to make sure
they got it. One multiple-choice question asks why the United States
would be a target. The presumed correct answer is: “Decisions we
made here in the United States have had negative effects on people
elsewhere.” When Kara complained to school administrators, they
didn’t even understand why she had a problem. So some schools are
teaching Ron Paul style “blowback” ideology – and parents have no say.
Join me online at BeLogical dot com. Until next time, be logical.

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